
no title.

is it frens goin to tat way?

when need bt nt appear?

after long time didnt chat or meet ..

the only one ans gonna to gv ? "oh/ya/en/no/nth/dunno/etc" ???

how long time be frens ald bt receive the ans such like tat?





H@cH!kO ~
is about the dog movie...bt its truth in japan.

the movie about one kind of japan dog - hachi
it show the loyalty to the owner.
everyday when reach the time it's owner back from work,
hachi sure will be there waiting his owner.
One of the day, owner causes the sudden heart attack then pass away bt the dog doesnt know it.
keep wait, wait, wait, wait, and wait.
until "he" die~still be there waiting for owner.
finally they help the dog make out tis~

in our real live.....tis kind of dog will really did it.
dog gt "heart", gt "feeling"
is our another best "friend"!
 E!gHt BeLoW~
another about dog movie..
at south pole..
the husky dog,
then owner left them at there almost 6 month,
one twins, max, maya, old jack, busky, shadow,
old jack tens yrs ald...during that time he dead ald..cause old..
the twin , one of them, because he try to catch up the "aurora" wave,
then drop down from mountain.
it still alive, bt nt longer time ago he dead ..gt serious injury
the others during tat time, they try many way to gt the food.
M@y@ be leader,
max help them find some food..
unfortunately, maya gt bite from "海豹".
leg injury.
after tat, maya pass lead to max.
finally, they wait till the owner back to gt them.
first cause maya gt injury she lie on the snow, close the eyes,
owner tot him loss maya.
nonono....maya still alive~!
almost the end..
"one of the twins, ThUmTeN, oLd J@cK gOoD bOy!"

"M@y@ gOoD g!rL~! M@x GoOd BoY~!"


tis two movie make my tears drop down.........
we cant imagine tat....how the dog loyalty.......

may be some of u don think tat can cause ur tears come out,
may be our think the different~




who can give me "brave" ?

give me "brave" to ask...why ?why ?why?

it that way going be??why ?

is that finish?why ?

why i always think "why" before i sleep?and then cant fall as sleep....then ask why again, why i cant sleep???


may be one of the day i will know why but when is it?

i dont want to ask why again.

Is that human being LIKE to ask why?



★摩羯座★ 个性+优缺点

- 最有耐心,小心,忍耐力强,勤奋,凡事都脚踏实地

- 固执是他们最大的特质,无论对事情的看法、态度、一旦坚持己见,不达到目的,他们是不会放手的 

- 孤独

- 重视自己的面子,在外表你永远不知道他内心的想法

- 受到土星的影响,他们天生情绪压抑,总是在心中觉得自己背负着很多责任,就是因为这样,别人很难了解他心中的想法,他对别人的建议通常没有甚么反应,令到身旁的人很无趣

- 很没有安全感,不会完全相信别人,凡事三思而行



i think the disadvantages part is more accurate one...